Sunday, July 4, 2010

A Country of Contradiction

Perhaps, Americans find it difficult to call our politicians liars because of who we all are. This Independence Day reminds me that we live in one of the greatest democratic experiments in the history of mankind.
With that said, we should all take this week to reflect upon who we are as Americans. As Americans, we are a people riddled with complex contradictions and traditions. We are largely a conservative country politically. Yet, we believe in the freedoms of speech and religion, and the right to bear arms. We have the largest population of church members in the free, industrialized world. We have the largest amount of poverty, homicides, teen pregnancy, and drug addiction. To speak of sex is not polite conversation, and there are no federal policies demanding sex education in America's classrooms. Yet, sex sells. Period. Sex is ubiquitous. We teach abstinence only in some classrooms and pass out condoms at the end of the class.
Americans believe largely that we should be free to be who we are, and we should be able to serve our country and pick a partner of our choosing, unless that American happens to be gay. No marriage and no patriotic military service.
America, land of the brave, home of the free, unless of course, that American is Black. Though 40+ years after the end of Jim Crow, Black people remain at the top of all terrible statistics, like the incarcerated population is mainly Black. Is it because Black people are naturally predisposed to crime, or is it because they are monitored more closely and given harsher sentences than their white counterparts. Ask any Black person about DWB, and you get enough stories to fill a book.
Many of our Republican lawmakers claim to be ardent followers of the Word concerning abortion and gay rights. I guess they didn't read those parts in the Bible about a rich man and a camel. Or, they completely ignored the parts where Jesus talked about poverty and allowing our fellow Christians to suffer in poverty. On top of that, most Republicans blame the poor for being "lazy," not the industries who receive tax breaks to take their jobs out of the the working poor would have been working.
Let's face it, I could go on and on and on. I hope those in power take some time to figure out who we are as Americans. Is our power structure a conglomerate of business? Are our soldiers simply the tools of free enterprise? Are we citizens simply a collection of workers and tax payers?

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