On May 17, 2012 the Coalition of African American Pastors had a meeting in Memphis, Tennessee in order to condemn both President Obama and the NAACP for their decision to support gay marriage.
On May 18, 2012 all of the local news stations as well as the national venues broke the story of Desmond Hatchett, a 33-year-old Black man from Knoxville, Tennessee who fathered 30 children. Please see the story on http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/18/desmond-hatchett-30-kids_n_1528850.html. I have one question: where is the church conference on that?
First, as a citizen, I'm concerned for Mr. Hatchett. Anybody who has that many children doesn't seem to mentally stable. What normal person would want that many children? And then to ask the state to be lenient. He wants the state to be lenient when he has behaved recklessly and irresponsible. He wants the state to be lenient when he acts as if he has never heard of a condom or even the withdrawal method. Where is the church conference that would teach this young man that his identity as a man does not lie at the tip of his penis? Where is the church conference that would teach a young man like this what being "head of household" actually means? Where is the church conference that would teach a young man that children are not trophies? And that even if he didn't have a father in the home and was torn apart by that, he should try to be the father he always wished he had and that being a father is about more than being a sperm donor?
Second, as a woman, I'm concerned for the young ladies who would give Mr. Hatchett their bodies and continue to have children with him. Previously, Mr. Hatchett had already asked the state for leniency when he had 21 children. He had nine more in less than a decade. He now has 11 baby-mommas. What about these 11 women? How do they view themselves? Do they think they deserve better than a man who earns minimum wage with a seeming sex addiction? Did they ever stop to think that a man who has so much sex could possibly give them an STD? Where is the church conference that would teach young ladies that they are more than what lies between their legs? Where is the church conference that would teach young ladies to stop viewing and accepting Black men as nothing but dogs? As I was taught, if you lay down with dogs, you get fleas. And if you lay with a dog, what does that make you, my dear? I'll answer. If you are saying that a man is a dog and you lay down with him, you are calling yourself a bitch in heat. Where is the church conference that would teach young ladies differently?
When it comes to homosexuality, I wonder where all of the zeal in the Black church comes from. The case with Mr. Hatchett is a very sad demonstration of the depravity that is eating away at the very souls of young people. Pastors, preachers, and bishops can have all the meetings they want about gay people, but how will their homophobic activism help people like the 11 women who sleep with men like Desmond Hatchett?
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